A visit to the Zoological Garden is a must-see in Wroclaw. In a few hours we can see rare and original animals from all continents. Wroclaw Zoo is the largest zoological garden in Poland. More than 12,000 animals representing 1,100 species - most of them are on the verge of extinction - live here. The biggest attraction is the Afrykarium - a world-unique oceanarium presenting only species inhabiting the Black Continent. You will be amazed by, among others, turtles, colorful fish, hippos, stingrays, sharks, penguins and crocodiles, as well as phenomenal manatees.


The Wroclaw multimedia fountain surrounded by a pergola is located at the Centennial Hall near the Japanese Garden and the Wroclaw Zoo and Oceanarium. It is the largest in Poland and one of the largest fountains in Europe. During the season from April to October, daytime and evening shows using contemporary, classical or pop music are held there every day. On weekends and holidays there are additionally phenomenal special shows. During the winter season, an ice rink is created in the fountain basin, as well as a winter fountain synchronized with the music program.


The Museum of Illusion in Wroclaw is a place where art meets illusion and science. The exhibition part occupies 3 huge rooms with devices that use the play of perspective, the play of light and deformed mirrors and lenses. This unique scientific experience enriched through interactive tasks, mysterious works of art and classic puzzles will amaze not only the youngest but also adults.


Ostrów Tumski is definitely one of the most beautiful places in Wroclaw.It is the oldest historic part of the city, which attracts crowds of Wroclawians who love to stroll in the area, but also tourists curious about the history of the place and the stunning monuments.
The largest monument on Ostrów Tumski is definitely the historic Wroclaw Cathedral, also known as the Mother of Silesian Churches. The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist is the tallest historic building in the entire city, from its tower we can admire the panorama of the city.
In addition to the Cathedral, we can also find a number of historic churches such as the Church of the Holy Cross and the Church of St. Martin, which impress with their history, architecture and interiors.
There you will also find the very popular Tumski Bridge, known as the Bridge of Lovers. Every day this place attracts many tourists who hang padlocks on it like in Verona or Paris.
This place gains in charm in the evening, when a lighthouse keeper lights 91 gas lanterns on the Tumski Bridge, which makes the place look like a fairy tale.
The lighthouse keeper is also a very interesting character of Ostrow Tumski. Every evening a figure in a black cape and hat lights up the place by lighting the gas lanterns in the traditional, phenomenal way. It is thanks to him that every evening on Ostrów Tumski becomes magical.


The Raclawice Panorama is one of the few places in the world where one can admire a relic of 19th century mass culture. The large painting (15x114m), thanks to the combination of special painting (special perspective) and technical procedures (lighting, artificial terrain, darkened, winding approach), "transports" the viewer to another reality and another time. Panorama Racławicka is the first and only Polish work of its kind preserved to this day.


Sky Tower is the first skyscraper in Wroclaw, its height is as high as 212m. The scenery from the vantage point located on the 49th floor is enormous. In addition to the phenomenal panorama of the city when the weather is favorable, we can also see Śnieżka, Ślęża and Chełmiec.
In addition to the vantage point, the Sky Tower also features a shopping mall, gyms, bowling alleys, a flight simulator and the very popular Kolejkowo (Railway Park), where you can see a model of objects from Wroclaw and the whole of Lower Silesia.